Fuerte Hoteles committed to reducing its carbon footprint

For the fifth year running Fuerte Hoteles has released its Corporate Social Responsibility report, including information about environmental, social and economic initiatives taken during 2013.

The hotel chain is committed to Responsible Tourism and considers the impact of its business on the environment by promoting measures in favour of local surroundings and focusing its business on guest satisfaction. Fifty innovative measures have been brought together for this purpose, with a firm commitment to reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions by saving energy and consuming less water, as well as by continuously recycling waste.

Memoria RSC 2013 de Fuerte Hoteles
Pincha sobre la imagen para ver la Memoria RSC 2013 de Fuerte Hoteles

In this sense, during 2013 these activities implemented by group hotels has achieved a reduction in water consumption of 8.62% when compared to the previous year; energy and diesel consumption has been reduced by 2.36% and 9.17% respectively, whereas propane consumption has increased by 16.05%. For the coming year, it is envisaged that 2% better savings in diesel, propane and water consumption will be achieved, along with 3% better savings in electricity consumption.

Fuerte Hoteles has implemented a measurement system that analyses the carbon footprint of each of its hotels on a monthly basis. During 2013, atmospheric releases of CO2 by the seven hotels owned by the group, considering 500,000 guests hosted during this period, amounted to 10.42 kg/CO2 per stay – a decrease when compared to the previous year.

Fuerte Hoteles makes all of the information related to measures that it has implemented available to its stakeholders on the website of Responsible Tourism. Here can be found an interactive section where guests can learn about component parts of the group’s environmental policy in each zone.

“We firmly believe in responsible tourism and we want to continue making progress in promoting responsibility in our value chain: among suppliers and employees and by working with the local environment”, stated José Luque, managing director of Fuerte Hoteles. He added that “We will continue to share this vocation with our guests to promote responsible consumption and environmental friendliness”.

Responsible Tourism

Fuerte Conil Costa Luz
Fuerte Conil Costa Luz

The hotel chain’s policy is guided by a firm commitment to environmental and social sustainability and transparency of information.

During 2013 Fuerte Hoteles collected 43.6 tonnes of glass for recycling, a further 4 tonnes of plastic and containers and 1600 litres of vegetable oil; it has increased paper and card recycling by 8.5% to 29.5 tonnes. 

Awareness campaigns aimed both at guests and employees are the key to providing information and ensuring everyone participates in good practices. During their stay, guests are offered information on how to decrease their impact on the natural environment (Green Travel) and recommendations on saving electricity (Walk towards the light) and water (Every Drop Counts), as well as continuous information about the recycling system at Fuerte Hoteles (Are you a member of the three Rs club?). The Fuerte Experiences Programme offers environmental activities and workshops to promote sustainable tourism in the areas visited.

Fuerte Hoteles will continue to work towards transparency of information through the different channels of communication currently in operation. Good reviews left for the chain online have increased from 85.60% in 2012 to 88.3% in 2013.

Another area in which the responsible tourism policy is active is providing support to vulnerable groups in local areas of influence. Around twenty social development and cultural initiative programs have been implemented through the Fuerte Foundation. With the motto “Caring for people and the environment”, support is given to programmes that improve the quality of life of children, teenagers and families, focusing on education, housing and/or human development.